Informal Settlements and LEDC Urban Challenges
Informal Settlements and LEDC Urban Challenges

17th October
QUB Lecture Theatre 0G.029, Geography Building Elmwood Ave., Belfast & online @ Zoom
7.30pm – 9.00pm
Informal settlements are home to over 1 billion lacking adequate housing. HFH International explain causes and their implications for economic, societal and climate justice.
Informal Settlements in LEDC cities are home to over one people billion who lack access to adequate housing. Housing conditions in these settlements impact the economic, health and education systems for wider society. They have implications for climate justice, political inclusion and gender equality. Equitable access to adequate housing lies at the heart of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
This talk will draw upon the experience and expertise of Habitat for Humanity (HFH) International in community-led development within informal settlements. It will explore the issues and challenges associated with the growth of informal settlements in LEDC cities. Habitat for Humanity will share insights from a major new study (Home Equals, 2023) they have completed on the challenges faced by those living in these settlements, and implications for economic, societal and climate justice.
The event will support the delivery of Unit 2C (Urban Challenges) of CCEA’s GCE AS Geography specification. Teachers and their students are especially welcome.
It has been organised through a partnership between the Geographical Association (Belfast Branch), Habitat for Humanity Ireland and Geography at Queen’s University Belfast. We gratefully acknowledge the support of Re-Imagine STEM, an initiative of the Faculty of EPS at Queen’s and the Caterpillar Foundation.

QUB Lecture Theatre 0G.029, Geography Building Elmwood Ave., Belfast & online @ Zoom
17th October
7.30pm – 9.00pm