Leprosy? A thing of the past, or a 21st century injustice?
Leprosy? A thing of the past, or a 21st century injustice?

17th October
12.00pm – 12.20pm
Every two minutes someone is diagnosed with leprosy. Despite being curable, it causes needless disability, exclusion, & severe mental ill-health among the most marginalised and ultra-poor.
Join this virtual event, shining a spotlight on leprosy – a severely stigmatising ‘neglected tropical disease’ that still exists and devastates the lives, health, and wellbeing of some of the world’s most marginalised people, living in abject poverty. Join us in exploring how lack of access to adequate nutrition, clean water and overcrowded living conditions can leave people more vulnerable to infection.
Together, we will shatter the myth that leprosy is a thing of the past and consider how leprosy impacts health & wellbeing, as well as the unbearable social exclusion and discrimination which people affected face. Together, we will consider the injustice that a curable disease can lead to needless disability, alongside loss of limbs, livelihoods, education, and relationships, even family – and to severe mental ill health.
Together, we will explore the solution and what part we can play in the journey to see a ‘world free of leprosy’ within our lifetime. Join us to ‘amplify the voice’ and ‘hear the stories’ of people affected by leprosy – who are often shunned, overlooked, and forgotten. Together, we will consider the disproportionate effects of climate change they face. Join us to hear stories of change and hope for the future.
Hosted by The Leprosy Mission Northern Ireland:
17th October
12.00pm – 12.20pm